FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term larval DO1 motor neuron ID (Ontology) FBbt:00110225 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Larval motor neuron that innervates the dorsal oblique muscle 1 (muscle 9) via type Ib synapses (Landgraf et al., 1997; Hoang and Chiba, 2001; Meng et al., 2019). It it the first born U neuron, developing from the first ganglion mother cell that differentiates from neuroblast NB7-1 (Cleary and Doe, 2006; Meng et al., 2019; Seroka et al., 2020). It has a bipolar morphology and a contralateral dendritic arbor (Seroka and Doe, 2019; Meng et al., 2019).[ FlyBase:FBrf0064795 FlyBase:FBrf0099344 FlyBase:FBrf0112030 FlyBase:FBrf0132289 FlyBase:FBrf0190540 FlyBase:FBrf0208790 FlyBase:FBrf0241992 FlyBase:FBrf0243538 FlyBase:FBrf0246311 ]
Also Known As "MN-DO1 neuron" ; "MN9-Ib" ; "U1 motor neuron" (for all, see Synonyms field below)
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN      12
Insertions (FBti)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       1
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       6
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Genes Insertions Constructs
 larval DO1 motor neuron (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)      13      2      4      8
     larval DO1 motor neuron | ectopic       2       --       --       1
     larval DO1 motor neuron | ectopic | embryonic stage       2       --       --       1
     larval DO1 motor neuron | ectopic | heat sensitive       3       --       --       3
     larval DO1 motor neuron | increased number       2       --       --       --
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
lineage NB7-1 primary motor neuron
 |__U neuron_______________________________
motor neuron                               |
 |__type Ib motor neuron___________________|
embryonic/larval motor neuron              |
 |__U neuron_______________________________|
 |__larval internal muscle motor neuron____|
NB7-1 Notch ON hemilineage primary neuron  |
 |__U neuron_______________________________|
                                           larval DO1 motor neuron  28 rec.
                                            |__larval A1-7-innervating DO1 motor neuron 2 rec.
                                                |__larval DO1 motor neuron of abdominal 1 neuromere
                                                |__larval DO1 motor neuron of abdominal 2 neuromere
                                                |__larval DO1 motor neuron of abdominal 3 neuromere
                                                |__larval DO1 motor neuron of abdominal 4 neuromere
                                                |__larval DO1 motor neuron of abdominal 5 neuromere
                                                |__larval DO1 motor neuron of abdominal 6 neuromere
                                                |__larval DO1 motor neuron of metathoracic neuromere
Spanning Tree View Settings
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Is a U neuron
type Ib motor neuron
larval internal muscle motor neuron
Develops from ganglion mother cell GMC7-1a
Part of
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