FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term visceral mesoderm derivative ID (Ontology) FBbt:00026002 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Any anatomical entity (FBbt:10000000) that develops from some visceral mesoderm (FBbt:00000130).
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       5
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       2
show Full annotation statements including this term (annotations to child terms are NOT included), and relevant FlyBase records
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Constructs
 visceral mesoderm derivative (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)       5      2
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
  visceral mesoderm derivative  3736 rec.
   |__adult corpus allatum 22 rec.
   |   |__adult juvenile hormone secreting cell
   |__cardiogenic mesoderm 100 rec.
   |   |__hemangioblast
   |__circular visceral muscle fiber 48 rec.
   |__corpus allatum primordium 5 rec.
   |__dorsal vessel primordium 298 rec.
   |   |__aorta primordium 15 rec.
   |   |__embryonic cardioblast(+) 219 rec.
   |   |__heart primordium 119 rec.
   |__embryonic dorsal vessel 72 rec.
   |__embryonic pericardial cell 130 rec.
   |   |__embryonic precursor of scutellar pulsatile organ
   |__embryonic/larval corpus allatum 65 rec.
   |   |__larval juvenile hormone secreting cell
   |__embryonic/larval fat body 1841 rec.
   |   |__embryonic/larval fat body region 1
   |   |__embryonic/larval fat body region 2'
   |   |__embryonic/larval fat body region 2''
   |   |__embryonic/larval fat body region 3'
   |   |__embryonic/larval fat body region 3''
   |   |__embryonic/larval fat body region 4
   |   |__embryonic/larval fat body region 5
   |   |__embryonic/larval fat body region 6
   |   |__larval fat cell of larval fat body 67 rec.
   |__embryonic/larval gonadal sheath muscle cell
   |__embryonic/larval lymph gland 698 rec.
   |   |__primary lobe of embryonic/larval lymph gland(+) 188 rec.
   |   |__secondary lobe of embryonic/larval lymph gland 41 rec.
   |   |__tertiary lobe of embryonic/larval lymph gland 12 rec.
   |__embryonic/larval pericardial cell 277 rec.
   |__fat body primordium 65 rec.
   |   |__anterior plate of the fat body primordium
   |   |__posterior plate of the fat body primordium
   |__fat body/gonad primordium 164 rec.
   |__gonadal sheath proper primordium 113 rec.
   |__larval fat of adult 2 rec.
   |   |__dissociated larval fat cell
   |__lymph gland derived hemocyte 20 rec.
   |   |__larval adipohemocyte
   |__lymph gland primordium 36 rec.
   |__Malpighian tubule Type II cell 47 rec.
   |   |__adult Malpighian tubule Type II cell(+) 23 rec.
   |   |__embryonic Malpighian tubule Type II cell 4 rec.
   |   |__embryonic/larval Malpighian tubule Type II cell 14 rec.
   |__Malpighian tubule Type II cell primordium
   |__outer sheath cell 6 rec.
   |__pericardial cell primordium 43 rec.
   |__scutellar pulsatile organ progenitor
   |__visceral muscle primordium 581 rec.
       |__circular visceral muscle primordium 40 rec.
       |__head visceral muscle primordium 18 rec.
       |__longitudinal visceral muscle primordium(+) 203 rec.
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Develops from visceral mesoderm
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