FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term adult sensillum ID (Ontology) FBbt:00007239 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Any sensillum (FBbt:00007152) that is part of some adult (FBbt:00003004).
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       2
show Full annotation statements including this term (annotations to child terms are NOT included), and relevant FlyBase records
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Constructs
 adult sensillum (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)       2      1
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
 |__adult sense organ__
sense organ            |
 |__adult sense organ__|
cell cluster organ     |
                       adult sensillum  9599 rec.
                        |__adult abdominal sensillum 220 rec.
                        |   |__adult abdominal mechanosensory chaeta(+) 104 rec.
                        |   |__female terminalia sensillum(+) 40 rec.
                        |   |__male terminalia sensillum(+) 30 rec.
                        |__adult head sensillum 7003 rec.
                        |   |__adult antennal sensillum(+) 214 rec.
                        |   |__adult head bristle(+) 1824 rec.
                        |   |__adult labellum sensillum(+) 228 rec.
                        |   |__adult labral sense organ(+) 12 rec.
                        |   |__anterior sensillum of dorsal cibarial sense organ
                        |   |__chemosensory labral sensillum 7
                        |   |__distal sensillum of ventral cibarial sense organ
                        |   |__eyelet 8 rec.
                        |   |__maxillary palp basiconic sensillum(+) 36 rec.
                        |   |__mechano-chemo-sensory labral sensillum(+)
                        |   |__mechanosensory labral sensillum(+)
                        |   |__middle sensillum of ventral cibarial sense organ
                        |   |__ocellus(+) 466 rec.
                        |   |__ocellus sensory structure(+) 15 rec.
                        |   |__ommatidium(+) 5575 rec.
                        |   |__posterior sensillum of dorsal cibarial sense organ
                        |   |__postoccipital trichoid sensillum 2 rec.
                        |   |__proximal sensillum of ventral cibarial sense organ
                        |   |__rostral trichoid sensillum(+) 2 rec.
                        |__adult thoracic sensillum 2666 rec.
                        |   |__adult mesothoracic sensillum(+) 2454 rec.
                        |   |__adult metathoracic sensillum(+) 158 rec.
                        |   |__adult prothoracic sensillum(+) 256 rec.
                        |   |__adult thoracic mechanosensory chaeta(+) 1486 rec.
                        |   |__leg sensillum(+) 284 rec.
                        |__microchaeta 2063 rec.
                            |__abdominal sternite bristle 94 rec.
                            |__abdominal tergite marginal bristle 10 rec.
                            |__acrostichal bristle 28 rec.
                            |__antennal segment 1 microchaeta(+)
                            |__antennal segment 2 microchaeta(+) 2 rec.
                            |__frontal bristle 9 rec.
                            |__fronto-orbital bristle 2 rec.
                            |__interocellar bristle 38 rec.
                            |__interommatidial bristle 1108 rec.
                            |__mesothoracic coxal bristle on hairy island 3 rec.
                            |__mesothoracic tarsal bristle(+) 43 rec.
                            |__mesothoracic tibial apical bristle 39 rec.
                            |__mesothoracic tibial preapical bristle 8 rec.
                            |__mesothoracic trochanter edge bristle
                            |__metathoracic femoral yellow bristle
                            |__metathoracic tarsal bristle(+) 19 rec.
                            |__metathoracic tibial preapical bristle 2 rec.
                            |__metathoracic tibial transverse bristle row 5 rec.
                            |__postorbital bristle(+) 11 rec.
                            |__prothoracic coxal bristle on hairy island 4 rec.
                            |__prothoracic tarsal bristle(+) 35 rec.
                            |__prothoracic tibial apical bristle 13 rec.
                            |__prothoracic tibial preapical bristle 4 rec.
                            |__prothoracic tibial transverse row bristle 15 rec.
                            |__prothoracic trochanter edge bristle 1 rec.
                            |__subvibrissal bristle
                            |__supracervical bristle 11 rec.
Spanning Tree View Settings
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Is a adult sense organ
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