FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term sensory organ cell ID (Ontology) FBbt:00005163 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Any somatic cell (FBbt:00100318) that overlaps some sense organ (FBbt:00005155).
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN      17
Insertions (FBti)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       2
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       6
show Full annotation statements including this term (annotations to child terms are NOT included), and relevant FlyBase records
 Full annotation statements 
Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Genes Insertions Constructs
 sensory organ cell (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)      17      7      7      6
     sensory organ cell | ectopic       2       --       --       1
     sensory organ cell | ectopic | somatic clone       1       --       --       --
     sensory organ cell | increased number       2       --       --       --
     sensory organ cell | P-stage | somatic clone       3       --       1       --
     sensory organ cell | somatic clone       2       --       --       --
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
   |__somatic cell
       |__sensory organ cell  10912 rec.
           |__adult antennal sensory neuron 623 rec.
           |   |__adult antennal lobe receptor neuron(+) 513 rec.
           |   |__Johnston organ neuron(+) 115 rec.
           |   |__mechanosensory neuron of antennal bristle
           |__adult epidermal F-cell of mechanosensory bristle
           |__chordotonal neuron 432 rec.
           |   |__adult chordotonal neuron(+) 134 rec.
           |   |__larval chordotonal neuron(+) 123 rec.
           |   |__scolopidial dendrite(+) 37 rec.
           |__cone cell 465 rec.
           |   |__anterior cone cell(+) 2 rec.
           |   |__cone cell pigment granule(+)
           |   |__equatorial cone cell(+) 4 rec.
           |   |__polar cone cell(+) 4 rec.
           |   |__posterior cone cell(+) 2 rec.
           |__dendritic cap cell 38 rec.
           |   |__scolopidial dendritic cap cell(+) 35 rec.
           |__dorsal cibarial sense organ neuron 8 rec.
           |   |__dorsal cibarial sense organ neuron of anterior sensillum
           |   |__dorsal cibarial sense organ neuron of posterior sensillum
           |__eo sensory organ accessory cell 3483 rec.
           |   |__thecogen cell(+) 119 rec.
           |   |__tormogen cell 512 rec.
           |   |__trichogen cell(+) 3232 rec.
           |__external sense organ sensory neuron 1038 rec.
           |   |__adult hygrosensory neuron Ir40a(+) 8 rec.
           |   |__adult hygrosensory neuron Ir68a(+) 4 rec.
           |   |__adult thermosensory neuron Ir21a VP1l
           |   |__eo neuron(+) 943 rec.
           |   |__larval external sense organ sensory neuron(+) 143 rec.
           |__eye photoreceptor cell 2778 rec.
           |   |__dorsal margin photoreceptor cell(+) 46 rec.
           |   |__eye photoreceptor cell stalk(+) 80 rec.
           |   |__inner photoreceptor cell(+) 1199 rec.
           |   |__outer photoreceptor cell(+) 590 rec.
           |   |__rhabdomere of eye photoreceptor cell(+) 377 rec.
           |__eyelet photoreceptor cell 23 rec.
           |__interommatidial cell 292 rec.
           |   |__secondary pigment cell(+) 172 rec.
           |   |__tertiary pigment cell(+) 150 rec.
           |__Johnston organ neuron AA/AP/AV1/AV2
           |__Johnston organ neuron AA/AP/AV2
           |__Johnston organ neuron AA/AP/AV2/AD
           |__Johnston organ neuron AA/AV1/AD
           |__Johnston organ neuron AA/AV1/AV2
           |__Johnston organ neuron AA/AV2
           |__Johnston organ neuron AA/AV2/AD
           |__Johnston organ neuron AP/AD
           |__Johnston organ neuron AP/AV1/AD
           |__Johnston organ neuron AP/AV1/AV2
           |__Johnston organ neuron AP/AV2
           |__Johnston organ neuron AP/AV2/AD
           |__Johnston organ neuron AV1
           |__Johnston organ neuron AV1/AD
           |__Johnston organ neuron AV1/AV2
           |__Johnston organ neuron AV2
           |__Johnston organ neuron AV2/AD
           |__Johnston organ neuron b1
           |__Johnston organ neuron CA
           |__Johnston organ neuron CL
           |__Johnston organ neuron CM
           |__Johnston organ neuron DP
           |__Johnston organ neuron e1
           |__Johnston organ neuron e2
           |__Johnston organ neuron EDC
           |__Johnston organ neuron EDM
           |__Johnston organ neuron EDP
           |   |__Johnston organ neuron e4
           |__Johnston organ neuron EV
           |__Johnston organ neuron EVL
           |__Johnston organ neuron EVM
           |__Johnston organ neuron EVP
           |__Johnston organ neuron f1
           |__Johnston organ neuron FDA
           |__Johnston organ neuron FDL
           |__Johnston organ neuron FDP
           |__Johnston organ neuron FVA
           |__Johnston organ neuron FVL
           |__labral sense organ neuron 31 rec.
           |   |__labral sense organ chemosensory neuron(+) 10 rec.
           |   |__labral sense organ mechanosensory neuron(+)
           |__larval ASO neuron
           |   |__larval ASOh neuron
           |   |__larval ASOp neuron
           |__larval hypopharyngeal organ gustatory receptor neuron 20 rec.
           |   |__larval gustatory receptor neuron of the hypopharyngeal organ PP1 9 rec.
           |   |__larval gustatory receptor neuron of the hypopharyngeal organ PP2 9 rec.
           |   |__larval gustatory receptor neuron of the hypopharyngeal organ PP3 10 rec.
           |   |__larval gustatory receptor neuron of the hypopharyngeal organ PP4 9 rec.
           |   |__larval gustatory receptor neuron of the hypopharyngeal organ PP5 2 rec.
           |   |__larval gustatory receptor neuron of the hypopharyngeal organ PP6 2 rec.
           |__larval PLSOh neuron 1 rec.
           |__lch5 cap attachment cell 12 rec.
           |__lch5 ligament attachment cell 27 rec.
           |__mechanosensory neuron of male terminalia sensillum
           |   |__mechanosensory fruitless neuron of male terminalia sensillum(+)
           |   |__mechanosensory neuron of cercal bristle(+)
           |   |__mechanosensory neuron of epandrial ventral lobe bristle(+)
           |   |__mechanosensory neuron of surstylar tooth(+)
           |__ocellar retinula cell 96 rec.
           |   |__lateral ocellar retinula cell
           |   |__medial ocellar retinula cell
           |   |__ocellus pigment granule 64 rec.
           |   |__ocellus rhabdomere 19 rec.
           |__ocellus corneagenous cell 2 rec.
           |__photoreceptor cell of Bolwig organ 32 rec.
           |   |__Rh5 photoreceptor of Bolwig organ 10 rec.
           |   |__Rh6 photoreceptor of Bolwig organ 16 rec.
           |__pigment cell 3429 rec.
           |   |__primary pigment cell(+) 152 rec.
           |   |__secondary pigment cell(+) 172 rec.
           |   |__tertiary pigment cell(+) 150 rec.
           |__scolopale cell 35 rec.
           |   |__femoral chordotonal organ scolopale cell
           |__scolopidial ligament cell 23 rec.
           |   |__lch5 scolopidial ligament cell 1 rec.
           |__vch1/vch2 ventral attachment cell 1 rec.
           |__ventral cibarial sense organ neuron 22 rec.
               |__ventral cibarial sense organ neuron of distal sensillum
               |__ventral cibarial sense organ neuron of middle sensillum
               |__ventral cibarial sense organ neuron of proximal sensillum 3 rec.
               |__ventral cibarial sense organ neuron V1
               |__ventral cibarial sense organ neuron V2
               |__ventral cibarial sense organ neuron V3
               |__ventral cibarial sense organ neuron V4
               |__ventral cibarial sense organ neuron V5 1 rec.
               |__ventral cibarial sense organ neuron V6
               |__ventral cibarial sense organ neuron V7
               |__ventral cibarial sense organ neuron V8
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