FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term tracheal pit ID (Ontology) FBbt:00005036 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Deep and narrow pit formed by the invagination of a tracheal placode in a late extended germ band embryo. Invagination of the placode begins during stage 11. Branches begin to bud from the pit during stage 11, with a dorsal and ventral stem being apparent by mid-stage 12. The pit closes over during stage 13. There are 10 pairs of tracheal pits - one pair in each tracheal metamere (each segment from T2 to A8). Pits are located in the central one third of each parasegment, with the most anterior in parasegment 4 and the most posterior in parasegment 14.[ FlyBase:FBrf0064787 FlyBase:FBrf0089570 ]
Also Known As "embryonic tracheal pit" ; "tracheal sac"
Comment Note, some authors refer to tracheal pits as tracheal sacs. This ontology avoids this nomenclature in order to avoid confusion with terms referring to the tracheal air sacs of the adult.
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN      31
Insertions (FBti)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       2
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN      12
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Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Genes Images Insertions Constructs
 tracheal pit (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)      31     56      2      9     18
     tracheal pit | ectopic       2       --       --       --       1
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
developing embryonic structure
 |__tracheal primordium_______________________
extended germ band embryo                     |
 |__late extended germ band embryo____________|
primordium                                    |
 |__tracheal primordium_______________________|
presumptive embryonic/larval tracheal system  |
 |__tracheal primordium_______________________|
dorsal ectoderm derivative                    |
 |__tracheal primordium_______________________|
                                              tracheal pit  430 rec.
                                               |__abdominal tracheal pit 7 rec.
                                               |   |__abdominal tracheal pit 1 4 rec.
                                               |   |__abdominal tracheal pit 2 3 rec.
                                               |   |__abdominal tracheal pit 3 2 rec.
                                               |   |__abdominal tracheal pit 4 2 rec.
                                               |   |__abdominal tracheal pit 5 2 rec.
                                               |   |__abdominal tracheal pit 6 3 rec.
                                               |   |__abdominal tracheal pit 7 5 rec.
                                               |   |__abdominal tracheal pit 8 5 rec.
                                               |__cephalic tracheal branch primordium
                                               |__dorsal tracheal branch primordium 79 rec.
                                               |__ganglionic tracheal branch primordium 83 rec.
                                               |__mesothoracic tracheal pit 23 rec.
                                               |__metathoracic tracheal pit 24 rec.
                                               |__spiracular tracheal branch primordium 2 rec.
                                               |__tracheal dorsal trunk primordium 184 rec.
                                               |   |__tracheal dorsal trunk anterior branch primordium(+) 2 rec.
                                               |   |__tracheal dorsal trunk posterior branch primordium(+) 2 rec.
                                               |__tracheal lateral trunk primordium 54 rec.
                                               |   |__lateral group tracheal branch precursor 3 rec.
                                               |   |__tracheal lateral trunk anterior branch primordium(+) 19 rec.
                                               |   |__tracheal lateral trunk posterior branch primordium(+) 15 rec.
                                               |__tracheal transverse connective primordium 21 rec.
                                               |__visceral tracheal branch primordium 35 rec.
Spanning Tree View Settings
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hide Relationships
Is a tracheal primordium
Part of late extended germ band embryo
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