FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term adult external thorax ID (Ontology) FBbt:00004551 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition .[ FlyBase:FBrf0006943 ]
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN      37
Insertions (FBti)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       3
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN      24
show Full annotation statements including this term (annotations to child terms are NOT included), and relevant FlyBase records
 Full annotation statements 
Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Images Insertions Constructs
 adult external thorax (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)      37      2     10     24
     adult external thorax | dorsal       9       --       2      6
     adult external thorax | somatic clone       2       --       --       --
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
 |__adult thorax________________________
adult                                   |
 |__adult integumentary system__________|
adult tagma                             |
 |__adult thorax________________________|
integumentary system                    |
 |__adult integumentary system__________|
region of integument                    |
 |__tagmatic subdivision of integument__|
postcephalic region                     |
 |__adult thorax________________________|
                                        adult external thorax  22709 rec.
                                         |__adult external mesothorax 5176 rec.
                                         |   |__dorsal mesothorax(+) 5068 rec.
                                         |   |__ventral mesothorax(+) 215 rec.
                                         |__adult external metathorax 81 rec.
                                         |   |__dorsal metathorax(+) 65 rec.
                                         |   |__ventral metathorax(+) 24 rec.
                                         |__adult external prothorax 134 rec.
                                         |   |__dorsal prothorax(+) 128 rec.
                                         |   |__prosternal sense organ
                                         |   |__ventral prothorax(+) 15 rec.
                                         |__adult thoracic mechanosensory chaeta 1486 rec.
                                         |   |__acrostichal bristle 28 rec.
                                         |   |__dorsocentral bristle(+) 461 rec.
                                         |   |__humeral bristle(+) 85 rec.
                                         |   |__notopleural bristle(+) 90 rec.
                                         |   |__postalar bristle(+) 115 rec.
                                         |   |__presutural bristle 53 rec.
                                         |   |__scutellar bristle(+) 1121 rec.
                                         |   |__sternopleural bristle(+) 106 rec.
                                         |   |__supraalar bristle(+) 101 rec.
                                         |__haltere 663 rec.
                                         |   |__capitellum(+) 55 rec.
                                         |   |__haltere anterior compartment 5 rec.
                                         |   |__haltere muscle(+) 3 rec.
                                         |   |__haltere pedicel(+) 29 rec.
                                         |   |__haltere posterior compartment 2 rec.
                                         |   |__haltere sensillum(+) 29 rec.
                                         |   |__haltere trichome 3 rec.
                                         |   |__scabellum(+) 23 rec.
                                         |__leg 3441 rec.
                                         |   |__chordotonal organ of leg(+) 28 rec.
                                         |   |__leg anterior compartment(+) 25 rec.
                                         |   |__leg dorsal compartment
                                         |   |__leg joint(+) 297 rec.
                                         |   |__leg posterior compartment(+) 10 rec.
                                         |   |__leg sensillum(+) 284 rec.
                                         |   |__leg ventral compartment 1 rec.
                                         |   |__mesothoracic leg(+) 514 rec.
                                         |   |__metathoracic leg(+) 414 rec.
                                         |   |__prothoracic leg(+) 719 rec.
                                         |   |__segment of leg(+) 1708 rec.
                                         |   |__somatic muscle of leg(+) 220 rec.
                                         |   |__thoracic long tendon cell(+) 1 rec.
                                         |__pleurum 188 rec.
                                         |   |__epimeron(+) 37 rec.
                                         |   |__episternum(+) 132 rec.
                                         |   |__mesothoracic pleurum(+) 169 rec.
                                         |   |__metathoracic pleurum(+) 9 rec.
                                         |   |__prothoracic pleurum(+) 8 rec.
                                         |__sternum 3 rec.
                                         |   |__prothoracic sternum(+) 3 rec.
                                         |__thoracic tergum 5116 rec.
                                         |   |__mesothoracic tergum(+) 5059 rec.
                                         |   |__metathoracic tergum(+) 53 rec.
                                         |   |__prothoracic tergum(+) 25 rec.
                                         |__wing 16983 rec.
                                             |__chordotonal organ of wing(+) 20 rec.
                                             |__wing anterior compartment(+) 125 rec.
                                             |__wing blade(+) 6401 rec.
                                             |__wing hair(+) 1007 rec.
                                             |__wing hinge(+) 307 rec.
                                             |__wing margin(+) 2308 rec.
                                             |__wing posterior compartment(+) 362 rec.
                                             |__wing sensillum(+) 996 rec.
                                             |__wing vein segment(+) 43 rec.
Spanning Tree View Settings
View Depth
Show hierarchy levels: for parents, for children
hide Relationships
Is a tagmatic subdivision of integument
Part of adult thorax
adult integumentary system
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