FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term sclerite ID (Ontology) FBbt:00004475 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition A region of integument whose external cuticular part is a hard, sclerotized plate.
Also Known As "integumentary plate"
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN      14
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       1
show Full annotation statements including this term (annotations to child terms are NOT included), and relevant FlyBase records
 Full annotation statements 
Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Constructs
 sclerite (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)      14      1
     sclerite | somatic clone      12       --
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
integumentary system______
organ system subdivision__|
                          region of integument
                           |__sclerite  3668 rec.
                               |__adult tentorium 5 rec.
                               |   |__posterior tentorial bar 2 rec.
                               |   |__tentorial pit(+) 3 rec.
                               |__anepimeron 7 rec.
                               |__anepisternum 19 rec.
                               |   |__prealar apophysis 9 rec.
                               |__anterior labial plate 2 rec.
                               |__auxilia 3 rec.
                               |   |__mesothoracic auxilia
                               |   |__metathoracic auxilia
                               |   |__prothoracic auxilia
                               |__cercal dorsal lobe
                               |   |__cercal dorsal lobe bristle
                               |__cercal ventral lobe
                               |   |__cercal ventral lobe bristle
                               |__cervical sclerite 7 rec.
                               |__cibarial plate 9 rec.
                               |   |__anterior plate of cibarium 2 rec.
                               |   |__posterior plate of cibarium(+) 9 rec.
                               |__clypeus 13 rec.
                               |__discal sclerite 1 rec.
                               |__epandrial dorsal lobe
                               |   |__epandrial dorsal lobe bristle
                               |__epandrial ventral lobe 31 rec.
                               |   |__epandrial ventral lobe bristle
                               |__epigynial dorsal lobe
                               |__epigynial ventral lobe
                               |   |__epigynial bristle
                               |__epimeron 37 rec.
                               |   |__mesothoracic epimeron(+) 37 rec.
                               |   |__metathoracic epimeron 3 rec.
                               |   |__prothoracic epimeron 2 rec.
                               |__episternum 132 rec.
                               |   |__mesothoracic episternum(+) 129 rec.
                               |   |__metathoracic episternum(+) 4 rec.
                               |   |__preepisternum 115 rec.
                               |   |__prothoracic episternum(+) 8 rec.
                               |__frons 613 rec.
                               |   |__postfrons 597 rec.
                               |   |__prefrons 6 rec.
                               |__fronto-orbital plate 22 rec.
                               |   |__fronto-orbital bristle 2 rec.
                               |__furcasternum 2 rec.
                               |__gena 128 rec.
                               |   |__vibrissal bristle(+) 121 rec.
                               |__gonocoxite 19 rec.
                               |   |__lateral gonocoxite 9 rec.
                               |   |__median gonocoxite(+) 13 rec.
                               |__haltere sclerite 14 rec.
                               |   |__adult metathoracic spiracle 7 rec.
                               |   |__metathoracic papilla 3 rec.
                               |__humerus 107 rec.
                               |   |__humeral bristle(+) 85 rec.
                               |__hypandrial transverse rod
                               |__hypostomal sclerite 51 rec.
                               |__katepimeron 35 rec.
                               |__katepisternum 2 rec.
                               |   |__katepisternal bristle 2 rec.
                               |__mentum 3 rec.
                               |__mesothoracic laterotergite 5 rec.
                               |__metathoracic laterotergite 38 rec.
                               |__occiput 20 rec.
                               |   |__paraocciput 1 rec.
                               |   |__postocciput 2 rec.
                               |   |__supracervical bristle 11 rec.
                               |__paraocciput 1 rec.
                               |__postfrons 597 rec.
                               |   |__frontal bristle 9 rec.
                               |   |__ocellar triangle(+) 594 rec.
                               |__postgena 16 rec.
                               |   |__postgenal trichoid sensillum 3 rec.
                               |   |__postorbital bristle(+) 11 rec.
                               |   |__premandibular bristle 1 rec.
                               |   |__ventral postgenal bristle
                               |   |__dorsal postgonite
                               |   |__ventral postgonite
                               |__postnotum 21 rec.
                               |__postocciput 2 rec.
                               |   |__postoccipital trichoid sensillum 2 rec.
                               |__preepisternum 115 rec.
                               |   |__mesothoracic preepisternum(+) 115 rec.
                               |   |__metathoracic preepisternum 2 rec.
                               |   |__prothoracic preepisternum 1 rec.
                               |__prefrons 6 rec.
                               |__prementum 5 rec.
                               |__prescutum 119 rec.
                               |   |__notopleural bristle(+) 90 rec.
                               |   |__presutural bristle 53 rec.
                               |__pronotum 25 rec.
                               |__rostral membrane 32 rec.
                               |   |__rostral trichoid sensillum(+) 2 rec.
                               |__scutellum 1356 rec.
                               |   |__scutellar bristle(+) 1121 rec.
                               |__scutum 739 rec.
                               |   |__acrostichal bristle 28 rec.
                               |   |__dorsocentral bristle(+) 461 rec.
                               |   |__postalar bristle(+) 115 rec.
                               |   |__supraalar bristle(+) 101 rec.
                               |__spiracular plate 22 rec.
                               |   |__posterior spiracular gland(+)
                               |   |__posterior spiracular scar
                               |   |__spiracular hair(+) 20 rec.
                               |   |__spiracular opening 2 rec.
                               |__sternite 405 rec.
                               |   |__abdominal sternite 2(+) 32 rec.
                               |   |__abdominal sternite 3 20 rec.
                               |   |__abdominal sternite 4 20 rec.
                               |   |__abdominal sternite 5 30 rec.
                               |   |__abdominal sternite 6 85 rec.
                               |   |__abdominal sternite 7 31 rec.
                               |   |__abdominal sternite 11
                               |   |__abdominal sternite bristle 94 rec.
                               |   |__hypandrium(+) 36 rec.
                               |   |__hypogynium(+) 93 rec.
                               |   |__hypoproct(+) 15 rec.
                               |   |__male abdominal sternite
                               |__sternum 3 rec.
                               |   |__prothoracic sternum(+) 3 rec.
                               |__tergite 768 rec.
                               |   |__abdominal tergite 1 74 rec.
                               |   |__abdominal tergite 2 37 rec.
                               |   |__abdominal tergite 3 28 rec.
                               |   |__abdominal tergite 4 45 rec.
                               |   |__abdominal tergite 5 126 rec.
                               |   |__abdominal tergite 6 149 rec.
                               |   |__abdominal tergite 7 83 rec.
                               |   |__abdominal tergite 8(+) 29 rec.
                               |   |__abdominal tergite marginal bristle 10 rec.
                               |   |__cercus(+) 106 rec.
                               |   |__epandrium(+) 64 rec.
                               |   |__epiproct(+) 23 rec.
                               |   |__surstylus(+) 63 rec.
                               |   |__tergite anterior compartment 9 rec.
                               |   |__tergite posterior compartment 10 rec.
                               |__unguis 269 rec.
                               |   |__mesothoracic unguis(+) 6 rec.
                               |   |__metathoracic unguis(+) 6 rec.
                               |   |__prothoracic unguis(+) 11 rec.
                               |   |__unguis scale(+) 2 rec.
                               |__unguitractor plate 3 rec.
                               |   |__mesothoracic unguitractor plate
                               |   |__metathoracic unguitractor plate
                               |   |__prothoracic unguitractor plate
                               |__wing sclerite 64 rec.
                                   |__axillary sclerite(+) 31 rec.
                                   |__basal sclerite
                                   |__humeral sclerite 14 rec.
                                   |__median sclerite 1 rec.
                                   |__pleural wing sclerite 8 rec.
                                   |__subalar sclerite
                                   |__unnamed wing hinge sclerite 8 rec.
                                   |__yellow club 7 rec.
Spanning Tree View Settings
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Is a region of integument
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  • "integumentary plate" EXACT
    "plate" RELATED
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