FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term intrinsic neuron ID (Ontology) FBbt:00003664 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Neuron of the central nervous system that arborizes exclusively within a given neuropil domain, ipsilaterally or bilaterally.[ FlyBase:FBrf0205263 FlyBase:FBrf0210154 ]
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       9
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       3
show Full annotation statements including this term (annotations to child terms are NOT included), and relevant FlyBase records
 Full annotation statements 
Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Genes Insertions Constructs
 intrinsic neuron (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)       9      1     12      7
     intrinsic neuron | embryonic stage       1       --       --       --
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
   |__local neuron
       |__intrinsic neuron  1804 rec.
           |__adult central brain intrinsic neuron 449 rec.
           |   |__adult antennal lobe local neuron(+) 62 rec.
           |   |__adult dopaminergic VUM neuron of the gnathal ganglion 23 rec.
           |   |__adult feeding interneuron 15 rec.
           |   |__adult gustatory second-order neuron type 1 8 rec.
           |   |__adult intrinsic protocerebral bridge neuron(+) 41 rec.
           |   |__adult Kenyon cell(+) 241 rec.
           |   |__adult mushroom body anterior paired lateral cell 13 rec.
           |   |__adult subesophageal sensory interneuron type A
           |   |__bitter gustatory local interneuron 1 rec.
           |   |__fan-shaped body intrinsic neuron(+) 3 rec.
           |   |__intrinsic antennal mechanosensory and motor center neuron(+) 13 rec.
           |   |__intrinsic lateral accessory lobe neuron
           |   |__intrinsic ventrolateral protocerebrum neuron(+)
           |   |__intrinsic wedge neuron(+) 2 rec.
           |   |__mushroom body dorsal paired medial cell 34 rec.
           |__bilateral intrinsic neuron 76 rec.
           |   |__adult dopaminergic VUM neuron of the gnathal ganglion 23 rec.
           |   |__adult gustatory second-order neuron type 1 8 rec.
           |   |__adult intrinsic protocerebral bridge 18 glomeruli-delta7 neuron(+) 32 rec.
           |   |__antennal mechanosensory and motor center local AMMC-AMMC 1 neuron 2 rec.
           |   |__antennal mechanosensory and motor center local AMMC-AMMC 2 neuron
           |   |__bilateral local interneuron of the adult antennal lobe(+) 6 rec.
           |   |__bitter gustatory local interneuron 1 rec.
           |   |__inferior ventrolateral protocerebrum local IVLP-IVLP neuron 2 rec.
           |   |__larval dopaminergic SL1 neuron
           |   |__larval dopaminergic SL2 neuron
           |   |__tangential neuron CT1 3 rec.
           |__larval antennal lobe broad local neuron
           |   |__larval antennal lobe broad duet local neuron
           |   |__larval antennal lobe broad trio local neuron
           |__larval dopaminergic SL neuron
           |   |__larval dopaminergic SL1 neuron
           |   |__larval dopaminergic SL2 neuron
           |__larval lateral horn local interneuron
           |   |__larval lateral horn local interneuron 1
           |   |__larval lateral horn local interneuron 2
           |__larval SEZ local interneuron 1
           |__larval visual local interneuron 10 rec.
           |   |__optic lobe pioneer neuron 1 3 rec.
           |   |__optic lobe pioneer neuron 2 10 rec.
           |__mushroom body intrinsic neuron 801 rec.
           |   |__adult mushroom body anterior paired lateral cell 13 rec.
           |   |__Kenyon cell(+) 760 rec.
           |   |__mushroom body dorsal paired medial cell 34 rec.
           |__optic lobe intrinsic neuron 842 rec.
           |   |__lobula plate intrinsic neuron LPi(+) 21 rec.
           |   |__medulla directional M6 local neuron 3 rec.
           |   |__medulla non-directional M6 local neuron(+) 6 rec.
           |   |__medullary tangential intrinsic neuron(+) 8 rec.
           |   |__optic lobe amacrine neuron(+) 187 rec.
           |   |__optic lobe intrinsic columnar neuron(+) 672 rec.
           |__unilateral intrinsic neuron 74 rec.
               |__antennal mechanosensory and motor center local AMMC anterolateral neuron 4 rec.
               |__antennal mechanosensory and motor center local AMMC anteromedial neuron 1 rec.
               |__antennal mechanosensory and motor center local AMMC Bi1 neuron 1 rec.
               |__antennal mechanosensory and motor center local AMMC Bi2 neuron 1 rec.
               |__inferior ventrolateral protocerebrum local IVLP neuron
               |__lobula plate intrinsic neuron LPi(+) 21 rec.
               |__medulla directional M6 local neuron 3 rec.
               |__medulla non-directional M6 local neuron(+) 6 rec.
               |__mushroom body dorsal paired medial cell 34 rec.
               |__unilateral local interneuron of the adult antennal lobe(+) 6 rec.
               |__ventrolateral protocerebrum local VLP1 neuron
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