FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
FB2024_03 , released June 25, 2024
CV Term Report
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General Information
Term thoracic segment ID (Ontology) FBbt:00000016 (Fly Anatomy)
Definition Any segment (FBbt:00000003) that is part of some thorax (FBbt:00000015).
Links to Extrernal Ontologies
Records annotated with this term OR any of its CHILD TERMS
Records annotated with this exact term (annotations to child terms are NOT included)
Data Class Field Records
Alleles (FBal)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN      12
Constructs (FBtp)  PHENOTYPE_MANIFEST_IN       3
show Full annotation statements including this term (annotations to child terms are NOT included), and relevant FlyBase records
 Full annotation statements 
Relevant FlyBase reports
 Alleles Genes Insertions Constructs
 thoracic segment (all annotations which use CV term, excluding "NOT" statements)      13     11      3      5
     thoracic segment | ectopic | heat sensitive       1       --       --       1
     thoracic segment | pharate adult stage       1       --       --       --
Spanning Tree (Parents/Children)
Only view relationship:
anterior-posterior subdivision of organism  |
                                            thoracic segment  26970 rec.
                                             |__adult thoracic segment 23819 rec.
                                             |   |__adult leg nerve(+) 4 rec.
                                             |   |__adult mesothoracic segment(+) 22173 rec.
                                             |   |__adult metathoracic segment(+) 1087 rec.
                                             |   |__adult prothoracic segment(+) 879 rec.
                                             |   |__adult thoracic neuromere(+) 71 rec.
                                             |   |__adult thoracic segment anterior compartment(+) 17 rec.
                                             |   |__adult thoracic segment posterior compartment(+) 8 rec.
                                             |   |__adult thoracic spiracle(+) 11 rec.
                                             |   |__leg(+) 3441 rec.
                                             |   |__occlusor muscle of adult thoracic spiracle(+) 2 rec.
                                             |__embryonic thoracic segment 360 rec.
                                             |   |__dorsal thoracic disc primordium(+) 16 rec.
                                             |   |__embryonic mesothoracic segment(+) 208 rec.
                                             |   |__embryonic metathoracic segment(+) 177 rec.
                                             |   |__embryonic prothoracic segment(+) 149 rec.
                                             |   |__embryonic thoracic dorsal sensory organ precursor cluster(+) 3 rec.
                                             |   |__embryonic thoracic lateral sensory organ precursor cluster(+) 4 rec.
                                             |   |__embryonic thoracic neuromere(+) 3 rec.
                                             |   |__embryonic thoracic ventral sensory organ precursor cluster group(+) 2 rec.
                                             |   |__thoracic limb primordium
                                             |   |__ventral thoracic disc primordium(+) 25 rec.
                                             |__larval thoracic segment 4680 rec.
                                             |   |__adepithelial cell of leg disc(+) 9 rec.
                                             |   |__dorsal thoracic disc(+) 3888 rec.
                                             |   |__integument of larval thoracic segment(+)
                                             |   |__larval mesothoracic segment(+) 4020 rec.
                                             |   |__larval metathoracic segment(+) 490 rec.
                                             |   |__larval prothoracic segment(+) 314 rec.
                                             |   |__larval thoracic dorsal sensory cluster(+) 18 rec.
                                             |   |__larval thoracic lateral sensory cluster(+) 9 rec.
                                             |   |__larval thoracic neuromere(+) 23 rec.
                                             |   |__larval thoracic perisympathetic organ 36 rec.
                                             |   |__larval thoracic ventral sensory cluster group(+) 173 rec.
                                             |   |__leg disc(+) 754 rec.
                                             |   |__non-functional larval spiracle of thoracic segment(+)
                                             |__mesothoracic segment 24758 rec.
                                             |   |__adult mesothoracic segment(+) 22173 rec.
                                             |   |__embryonic mesothoracic segment(+) 208 rec.
                                             |   |__larval mesothoracic segment(+) 4020 rec.
                                             |   |__mesothoracic nerve(+) 147 rec.
                                             |   |__mesothoracic neuroblast NB3-5 1 rec.
                                             |   |__mesothoracic neuroblast NB5-2
                                             |   |__mesothoracic neuroblast NB5-3
                                             |   |__mesothoracic neuroblast NB7-2
                                             |   |__mesothoracic neuromere(+) 35 rec.
                                             |   |__mesothoracic pretarsus(+) 6 rec.
                                             |   |__mesothoracic segment anterior compartment 2 rec.
                                             |   |__mesothoracic segment posterior compartment 2 rec.
                                             |   |__mesothoracic suture(+) 62 rec.
                                             |__metathoracic segment 1705 rec.
                                             |   |__adult metathoracic segment(+) 1087 rec.
                                             |   |__embryonic metathoracic segment(+) 177 rec.
                                             |   |__larval metathoracic segment(+) 490 rec.
                                             |   |__metathoracic nerve(+) 26 rec.
                                             |   |__metathoracic neuroblast NB3-5 1 rec.
                                             |   |__metathoracic neuroblast NB5-2
                                             |   |__metathoracic neuroblast NB5-3
                                             |   |__metathoracic neuroblast NB7-2
                                             |   |__metathoracic neuromere(+) 40 rec.
                                             |   |__metathoracic pretarsus(+) 6 rec.
                                             |   |__metathoracic segment anterior compartment 2 rec.
                                             |   |__metathoracic segment posterior compartment 2 rec.
                                             |__prothoracic segment 1425 rec.
                                             |   |__adult prothoracic segment(+) 879 rec.
                                             |   |__chordotonal organ of prothoracic segment(+) 10 rec.
                                             |   |__embryonic prothoracic segment(+) 149 rec.
                                             |   |__embryonic/larval anterior spiracle(+) 100 rec.
                                             |   |__larval prothoracic segment(+) 314 rec.
                                             |   |__prothoracic nerve(+) 26 rec.
                                             |   |__prothoracic neuroblast NB3-5 1 rec.
                                             |   |__prothoracic neuroblast NB5-2
                                             |   |__prothoracic neuroblast NB5-3
                                             |   |__prothoracic neuroblast NB7-2
                                             |   |__prothoracic neuromere(+) 41 rec.
                                             |   |__prothoracic pretarsus(+) 14 rec.
                                             |   |__prothoracic segment anterior compartment 2 rec.
                                             |   |__prothoracic segment posterior compartment 2 rec.
                                             |__thoracic adult muscle precursor cell 54 rec.
                                             |   |__adepithelial cell of dorsal prothoracic disc 1 rec.
                                             |   |__adepithelial cell of haltere disc 4 rec.
                                             |   |__adepithelial cell of leg disc(+) 9 rec.
                                             |   |__adepithelial cell of wing disc(+) 38 rec.
                                             |__thoracic neuroblast 106 rec.
                                             |   |__mesothoracic neuroblast NB5-3
                                             |   |__metathoracic neuroblast NB5-3
                                             |   |__prothoracic neuroblast NB5-3
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast MNB
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB1-1
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB1-2
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB2-1
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB2-2
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB2-4
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB2-5
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB3-1
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB3-2
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB3-3
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB3-4
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB3-5(+) 1 rec.
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB4-1
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB4-2
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB4-3
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB4-4
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB5-2(+)
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB5-4
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB5-6 33 rec.
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB6-1
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB6-2
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB6-4 36 rec.
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB7-1
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB7-2(+)
                                             |   |__thoracic neuroblast NB7-4
                                             |__thoracic neuromere 118 rec.
                                                 |__adult thoracic neuromere(+) 71 rec.
                                                 |__embryonic thoracic neuromere(+) 3 rec.
                                                 |__larval thoracic neuromere(+) 23 rec.
                                                 |__mesothoracic neuromere(+) 35 rec.
                                                 |__metathoracic neuromere(+) 40 rec.
                                                 |__prothoracic neuromere(+) 41 rec.
Spanning Tree View Settings
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Is a segment
Part of thorax
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